Soooo I've been natural for about four years and when I say natural, I mean all I put on my hair is water and grease and go....but I have a
nasty addiction to I know y'all prolly think that it is crazy but really weave is so convienent, after get past the technical parts ofcourse. I recently indulged in the hair documentary by Chris Rock called good hair, and it was so fascinating to me that I watched it about three times.
Y'all it was so good it almost made me start rocking my fro!!!! It explained the connection of black women to their perms which are referred to in the movie as
"Creamy Crack", and how long, straight hair is deemed as "good hair". Watching this movie made me sit back and ask myself
,"What exactly is good hair?" And I thought and thought and finally came up with the conclusion that there is no such thing, its just our race has been brainwashed into thinking that our natural, textured, thick hair isn't beautiful. Chris Rock went around to different hair shops trying to sell black hair and no one would take it. It was upsetting to think that something that grows out of my head in a textured, natural state is regarded as unnatural. I love my natural hair and plan to lock it upon graduation, and I've already made the vow to not perm my girls hair if i have any. I don't knock anyone who gets perms because half of us got them before we really knew what they did or the addiction it would produce later in life; but if only you could fathom how dangerous the chemicals ,sodium hydroxide, guanidine hydroxide or ammonium hioglycolate, are you would never want it to touch your head again. These chemicals demolished an aluminum can and ate through a piece of raw chicken within minutes; PERMS can ruin your hair follicles and cause baldness.Hair is such a lucrative business. There is a black market for hair in India, they lie and tell the women they are scalping their hair for GOD when they are really selling low can you get....pissed me off!!!
Natural hair should not be regarded as a nuisance but looked upon to amplify a beauty that is already unique. Natural hair is not accepted in the corporate world and that bothers me, I feel as long as you keep it neat it really shouldn't be a problem....I encourage every black woman to see this movie...
It will change your hair!!!!SIGNED: NAPPY ROOTS!!!!!!!!!!